Before and After

We started school last week. That’s made things quite a bit busier for me, but I must say: I don’t hate it. Summertime is nice, but I also like the structure of the school year.

Here are a few things related to the post title I wanted to share:

Before last Tuesday, the kids were dreading “back to school.” After Tuesday’s lessons, they were excited for Wednesday. That makes me happy!

Before last week, I was gung ho to teach (and learn) Spanish. After trying for 4 days, I realize/accept that I can’t teach something I don’t know. So we’re adopting French as our foreign language instead. (I took 3 years of French in my public high school and did quite well. It’s been years, but it will come back quickly. I’m sure of that.) We started with numbers 1-10 today and all 3 boys (hubby’s learning with the kids!) have it mostly down.

Before yesterday, the kids and I all desperately needed haircuts.


After yesterday afternoon, we’re all shorn.


(don’t mine the glare in the corner… that’s where the light hit the mirror and I’m too lazy to crop it right now lol)

Before August 27th, Small Fry was still crawling. It was so funny to see – he crawled like a bear, on hands and feet instead of hands and knees. After August 27th, he’s pretty much walking exclusively.

That’s about it… What have you been up to in my absence? πŸ™‚



  1. Great decision about French! That makes sense! Maybe they will still pick up some Spanish at church though. Yay for Small Fry! I always think it is funny to see a baby newly walking because sometimes I forget they walk and I am startled to turn around and see them walking rather than crawling.

    • It really is the right decision regarding our foreign language. I thought I’d be able to pick up the Spanish in order to teach it, but I can’t. They definitely do learn some of it at church, though. We all do :). It’s amazing how quickly babies go from 20/80 to 50/50 to 80/20 to 100 in the walking/crawling ratio! Tiny people walking is funny – they’re barely 2 feet tall and walking around. Awesome! πŸ™‚

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