Every baby is different. There’s no doubt about that. Small Fry is not the same as either of his brothers were. Or maybe it’s just that hubby and I are different people since he’s a bit of a gap baby. Who knows?
In general, he’s a pretty happy baby, but like all of us, he has his moments – usually when he’s not had a good nap. There are times during those tantrums (for lack of a better word) that I’m not available to comfort him. Since I’m still his favorite person, this can pose a problem for the rest of the family. So we’ve found something that’s almost as good as me: this song.
9 times out of 10, this will calm him down. It’s not strictly limited to this particular song; anything Leigh Nash sings has a calming effect on him. I think he has a baby crush on her ;). But this one definitely seems to be his favorite.
Isn’t that a kicker? LOL My old boss used to get in his car and drive his baby around for hours. That’s the only time the baby would stop screaming at night–and then I’ve heard other say their kids hate driving in the car. Didn’t you say E doesn’t really like the car? I was supremely lucky–A loved driving in the car, slept through the night by 6 weeks, and hardly ever cried. Now… well… LOL
Yeah, he doesn’t like being the car, especially at night. It’s not quite as bad now as it used to be, but there are times we regret having gone out, lol. This song works about 9 times out of 10 though 🙂
I’ve never heard that song, but it is lovely. How adorable that it has a calming affect too!
Honestly, it’s not my favorite song in the world. But I’d rather listen to a song I don’t love than to a screaming baby. The key is simply to find what works for your baby and do that. When he was younger, “All My Loving” by the Beatles was the go-to. That one still works sometimes, but not as well as “Radio.”
Picture of the Week | wendy m robertson
[…] this with you guys! Seahawk isn’t really sleeping, but Small Fry is. Using the song from Wednesday’s post, Seahawk cuddled his baby brother to sleep. He was so proud of […]