Picture of the Week: An Announcement

You might have noticed that things have slowed down here on the blog in the past couple of weeks. Here’s why:

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Yes, we found out two weeks ago that we’re expecting our fourth child this fall. And I got a nasty cold right on the heels of the positive test, so I’ve had virtually no energy recently. It’s about all I can do to get through the day without letting things like housework and homeschooling fall by the wayside. So for the next few weeks, things might continue to be quiet on these pages. I’ve got another Tales on Tuesday story all set to start next week, and when I think of something I really want to write about, that’ll go up here. And a few reviews, of course. But for the next month or so, until I get out of the first trimester and regain some of my energy, I’m not going to stress about blogging. I fully intend to get back up to a 3 posts a week schedule, but now’s not the time for that.


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    • Wendy

      Thank you, Sanz! We’re really excited about the new little one, but I’ll be happier when I feel normal again 🙂

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