Picture of the Week: Cranberries are Not Good!


I bought fresh cranberries at Thanksgiving time to make fresh sauce to take to my in-laws’ for dinner, and then what did I do? Forgot to make it or bring the berries to have it made while we were there. So I ended up with two bags of fresh cranberries in my fridge the week after Thanksgiving. Because they weren’t of the “sweetened dried” variety, I’m not sure how to use these cranberries in any way other than to make sauce, so I did that one night last week to go with a roasted chicken. As I was pulling the berries out of the fridge, Small Fry was right up with me, begging for a berry. What he didn’t know was that uncooked, unsweetened cranberries are not very palatable. So I handed him one, knowing what his reaction would be, and told him to wait a minute to eat it until I could get the camera ready. His response was pretty much exactly what I expected: a disgusted face and pulling that berry out of his mouth just as fast as he could! My camera shutter was a bit too slow to capture the face, but you can see him frantically scraping his tongue. What a funny boy!


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P.P.S. Welcome back to all my Simplicity Breeds Happiness subscribers. As you can tell by the fact that you’re seeing this post in your feed, WordPress customer service came through for me and got you guys all moved over to the new blog. Yay! So I’ll be posting only here from now on. 🙂

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