1. Very interesting. I’m not familiar with Emu Oil but it sounds interesting. I’ve been thinking recently about the chemical lady (expensive, fancy) lotion I tend to buy because it really works on my crazy dry skin and also I love the smell, but I can’t help but wonder about all the chemicals I’m rubbing into my skin. Have a great review year, Wendy!
    Sanz @ From The Mrs. recently posted…The End of {This} RoadMy Profile

    • Wendy

      Emu oil is interesting… If you’re really concerned about artificial moisturizers, it might be worth trying something from Koru Naturals. Especially if you’re used to paying a lot for lotions and creams anyway.

    • Wendy

      Thanks, Kemi. I think the balm might be good for you, after reading your review of the lanolin cream. It’s definitely more… waxy than lotiony. That would be a benefit for excessively dry skin, I think.

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