1. Sanz

    This is so wonderful! What a thoughtful husband you have! I gave my kids a paper airplanes book and new water bottles that they desperately needed. My husband and I went out for Thai food and saw The Book Thief. Date night has become few and far between for us so we are making a goal of having a weekly date night. We’ve gone two weeks in a row now. Otherwise, we probably wouldn’t have even done anything…in the past V-day was always spent with our kids….going out to an early dinner and having a family dance at home. Great post, Wendy!

    • Your VDay sounds wonderful too!! We LOVE Thai food. It’s probably our favorite cuisine. A friend even bought me a Thai cookbook for… either my birthday or Christmas a year ago. I don’t remember which. Is The Book Thief good? It’s on my short list of movies I want to see. A regular date night is so nice to have. Up until SF was born, we had a monthly one (which isn’t often enough, but it’s what we had…) where my mom would keep the boys overnight. That was excellent. Now that the little one’s getting bigger, she’ll probably be willing to start that up again soon. We stopped right after he was born – I guess 4 nights in a row was enough to last her a while! LOL!

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