Simplicity: Home Decor


I’ve always wished I was better at interior decorating. I go to friends’ houses or to my brother and sister-in-law’s house, and they’re always so pretty and put together (at least the non-kid areas!). But my house always seems thrown together to me. I don’t know if it’s because it’s my house, so I see it more often than I see all those other houses, but I don’t think it is. Because it’s not all our friends’ houses that are so beautiful to me, only some of them. (And I don’t mean to be judgmental of any of my friends; I’m just making a comparison here.)

But alas, alack, I’m no interior decorator. So our home is very basic. Which is the point of what I’m writing about today. When the goal is a simple life, we shouldn’t care about what the inside of our home looks like (within reason). We’re not making memories with the way we decorate, we’re making memories with what we do in them. Kneading bread with Munchkin will matter more to him as he grows than whether our walls had cool hangings on them. Spending time playing board games with his brothers and me will matter more to Seahawk than what kind of flooring we had. And getting down on that flooring and chasing and tickling Small Fry will mean more than what our furniture was.

With that said, I do want to add a little more to the story, though.

I’m only mostly hopeless. Mine and Will’s bedroom is the one room that I feel is “put together.” I’ve mentioned before that we recently painted it, and that helped it tremendously. Once we did that, we decided we wanted to go with  all-white furniture and accessories to complement the red-wine of the walls, so I made us a new quilt (more on that soon) and painted our existing bedside tables white. (They used to be a light wood color.) Those two things really helped to bring everything together. Even without wall hangings, that room feels more “right” than any of the others, decor-wise.

The lighting in this picture isn’t awesome, but it’ll give you an idea of what I’m talking about:


What’s your favorite home decor tip, simple or otherwise? Leave a comment and let me know!




  1. Sanz @ From The Mrs.

    I like the white in your room! It looks great. In the last 4 months, I’ve gotten rid of SOOOOO much of our decor. We have more empty space on walls, but we have color on walls in nearly every room, which I love. I don’t go for expensive or trendy, just what I like. 🙂

    • Colored walls definitely help if your decor is sparse. Our current house is the first time that’s been an option for us – one of the benefits of renting from family (even if they are related only by marriage a couple times removed lol).

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