I was torn on whether to share today’s post under the “simplicity” tag or not. But then I reminded myself that this series isn’t necessarily about only sharing tips and tricks for living a simple life. It’s about what simplicity means to me. Keeping that in mind, this post is completely appropriate here.
I mentioned last week that we had a new nephew coming “any day now.” Well, the wee hours of Saturday morning was that day! Will’s sister sent me a text message during normal waking hours on Saturday morning letting us know that she’d had her baby.
Holding this tiny person was a huge reminder to me of just how simply we all start out. We have nothing. We can’t do anything for ourselves. We can’t even maintain our own body temperatures at first. Talk about simple creatures! It’s fascinating to me that we go so quickly from that – a tiny, helpless infant – to adults so absorbed in ourselves and in maintaining busy-ness.
I know that we’re not babies anymore. I know that we can’t revert back to that completely innocent stage; heck, I’m not sure I’d want to. But at the same time, it was so peaceful and nice to just hold the sleeping infant and appreciate the intense simplicity that is his life.
Oh how fun! There is NOTHING like holding a newborn. Nothing!
I wholeheartedly agree!