Picture of the Week: Basketball
Basketball season is officially over. It was kind of bittersweet. On the one hand, it’ll be nice to have our Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights and Saturday mornings available again. On the other hand, Seahawk lovedĀ being on a team, and it was good for him. After watching the games for three months, I can say with confidence that his team was the most improved team in the league. They won some games, lost some, but by the end of the season, they were a much better team than they were in the beginning. It was really rewarding to see. Along those lines, let me add here that Seahawk hadn’t acquired a single foul the entire season – until the very last game. He was clearly working hard and playing aggressively (not in a bad way), and he fouled opposing players on three separate occasions. Three!
His coach got a trophy for each of the boys. As a thank you to her (for being the coach, not just for the trophies), I made her a basketball themed wall quilt and we had all the boys on the team sign it, and we presented it to her during the after-season party on Saturday afternoon. Would you believe that I forgot to take a picture of it?! I can barely believe it, and I’m the one who forgot…
Without a ball game, I don’t know what we’ll do this weekend! What about you? Any exciting plans?