For a long time – until last Christmas – we did all the fantasy characters with our kids. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny. We didn’t see anything wrong with perpetuating the myth. Along with that went all the commercialism associated with said characters – Christmas stockings, Easter eggs, a Tooth Fairy pillow, etc.
Hubby and I got to talking during the Christmas season last year and realized that if our kids came across the truth of these stories on their own, we would lose credibility with them. The question we asked ourselves was, “If we ‘lie’ to them about Santa Claus, how can we be sure they believe us about Jesus?” The answer was, quite simply, we couldn’t. We live in a time where Jesus isn’t here physically. We have to train our children to believe in him and love him unconditionally – and yes, experience him – without ever laying eyes on his physical body. The same is true for those holiday and special life event characters. We expect our kids to believe in the truth of those figures. But they’re not real. And if our children decide that we’ve lied to them (as opposed to simply “having fun”), we have no basis in matters of faith.
That was a frightening thought.
So we had a conversation with the boys. We told them that the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny don’t exist; we had been the ones giving money for teeth and Easter baskets. We told them the real story of Saint Nicholas. We even traded out our “traditional” Christmas stockings – designed to hold lots of small gifts – out for holiday themed socks (yes, regular socks from the apparel department of Fred Meyer). Our new stockings remind us of the simplicity of the true gift of Christmas – God’s son. And that we should be caring for others during the season, not just buying gifts for ourselves. Just like the real Saint Nicholas did.
It was a little bit of a tough pill for them to swallow, but they did so with no less grace than I would expect from my children. And now we have confidence that they’ll believe us when we tell them that they need to have real faith in important things.
Like Jesus.
Thank you for your faithfulness to our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God bless you:)
Thank you for your comment. There is no greater calling in life than serving Christ.
I love this… and good for you! I wrote a posting back in December 2010 entitled: Santa Won’t Be Coming To Our House. Back when I wrote it, I simply didn’t want to “lie” to my child. Now that I’ve turned my life to Christ I am relieved that we made this decision.
So many people have a tough time understanding why we chose to do things this way… but that’s okay.
Blessings to you. Have a wonderful day.
I went back and read your post. Very good. We have definitely come to realize that we’re the “different” ones in our circle, but we’re okay with that. It’s more important to be right with God than popular with humans.
God bless you.
This is the most interesting argument I’ve “heard” against Santa and others. I have heard some parents say they don’t want to lie or they don’t want to focus on mythical creatures or they think it’s stupid, but never that they wouldn’t believe them about other things: Christ specifically. I think you’ve got the most compelling anti-Santa argument! 🙂 How have you handled this with their friends? Meaning, have you told them not to tell or is that not a concern? Have a great day Wendy!
I’m glad I’ve given you something to think about! As for handling this in social situations, our kids are old enough and savvy enough to no longer be influenced by other people trying to convince them of these characters (specifically my dad, lol). On the other side of the spectrum, we’ve also discussed with them that they need to be sensitive around their friends who may still believe. They’re not to burst any kids’ bubble; that’s up to the child’s parents.
Making Christmas Traditions | simplicity breeds happiness
[…] mentioned once before that we explained the Santa Claus myth to our parents last year. They took it well, and we don’t regret for one second stopping the […]
Looking Back: My Blog in 2013 | simplicity breeds happiness
[…] 4. The Tooth Fairy (and other mythical creatures) […]