Well, it’s Wednesday afternoon here on the West Coast, and that means it’s time for another Wednesday Chat. As ever, thanks to Patrice at Everyday Ruralty for hosting and providing questions.
Have you had your wisdom teeth removed?
Yes. It was awful. It was sometime during our second year of marriage, so I would’ve been 20 or 21. When I went in, they told me that typical recovery time is 2 days or less. I was in chronic pain for 2 weeks! I’m glad that only happens once per lifetime!
Today Wendell (Patrice’s horse) is serving iced tea, iced coffee, and carrot juice. He wants me to ask you which you’d prefer.
Iced tea, thank you. Despite having worked for a coffee shop for years, I never developed a taste for it. No amount of milk and sweeteners could mask the coffee flavor enough for me. I’ve never had carrot juice, so I can’t say one way or another about whether I’d like it or not, but I know I like iced tea!
If you use a crock pot, do you have a favorite recipe? If not, what’s your favorite, easy, “go to” recipe?
I have a crock pot, but I’ve never mastered using it for anything. I did use it last week to slow cook a roast with some taco seasoning, which we used for taco salad. That was yummy! Let’s see . . . favorite go-to recipe . . . Probably tacos. Not very imaginative, I know. But yummy!
Do you prefer to wash dishes by hand or use a dishwasher?
Dishwasher. We lived in a duplex for 4 1/2 years that didn’t have one, and it soured me on the idea of hand washing dishes. Especially since the apartment we lived in for a year before that didn’t have one either! If I’m being honest, though, our current house may as well not have one. It’s the kind of dishwasher that requires washing the dishes before running the dishwasher. I wouldn’t run it at all considering I’m (or Will is – he helps with the dishes a lot) washing them first anyway, but I tried that for a month, and our water bill was $25 higher than it was when we washed them and then ran the dishwasher. It doesn’t make sense to me, but we didn’t change any other habits that month, so the dishes has to have been the culprit.
What are you looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to fall. I do not like the summer. Don’t get me wrong, the slower pace is nice, but I really dislike the heat. Fall is my favorite season – not too hot, not too cold, and the promise of the holidays is near!
Thank you for “chatting” with me!
Oh you are a girl after my own heart! I really do not like summer and I feel like such a grouch because EVERYONE LOVES SUMMER! 🙂 I had my wisdom teeth removed at 19 (I think) it was definitely not a pleasant experience! Fun questions and fun to learn more about you.
My experience with having my wisdom teeth removed was quite similar, unfortunately. Yes, I’m glad I won’t have to do that again!
I use to love summer when I was a kid. Heat doesn’t seem to bother kids.
I wish that we had a dishwasher, though when we did have one a hundred years ago, I didn’t like the noise of it or the fact that they pretty much had to be washed before they were put in it anyway. I agree with you, what is the point in that?
Have a great week!